UHF Radiofrequency paging system with ask ook modulation
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Urbanization or migration to heavily populated cities brings masses of people together and by masses hence with a high quantity of customers at shops and public establishments the quick attentions would be impossible, the fact of heavy population and their activities such as work, transport, shopping, and others performed massively at peak hours brings to some kind of congestion due to delayed attention or overload of tasks performed by few employees, nowadays as a civilized society, the trend is to consume the required services in a structured way which the commonly known way to wait is the queue which little by little became into a theoretical concept currently, exist several solutions for managing queues depending on their nature. Currently, exist several solutions for managing queues depending on the nature of them. Therefore, companies as Dinámica y Desarrollo S.A.S developing queue management systems; based on how the queue works. Providing multiple solutions and products based on software and hardware designs. This paper describes the design process for managing queues with a hardware solution using a methodology of services and product design and were the main findings where a functional wireless paging device.
Antenna, Micro Controller, Queue Management, Radiofrequency, Receiver, Transmitter, Wireless, Pager