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dc.contributor.advisorDíaz-Soraca, Henry Eliécerspa
dc.contributor.authorCastaño-Castrillón, María Luisaspa
dc.subjectSistema de gestiónspa
dc.subjectSistema de gestión de calidadspa
dc.subjectIndicadores de Calidadspa
dc.subjectPlaneación estratégicaspa
dc.titleDiseño de un sistema de gestión de la calidad basado en la norma iso 9001/2015 vitracoat Colombiaspa
dc.description.abstractenglishThe growth of the Colombian market in recent years has had positive effects on powder coating manufacturing and distribution companies, as it is an idea that meets technical specifications of high durability and affordable prices throughout the country, with Antioquia being one of the departments with the highest percentage of participation. Undoubtedly, the positive impact on companies in the powder coating sector has favored its growth and sustainability in a competitive context that allows drawing achievable goals (ANDI, 2019). The company Vitracoat Colombia S.A.S has had a significant expansion in the last three years 2018 to 2020, reaching an important recognition within the Antioquia region; so say leaders and collaborators of the region. However, this growth has also been coupled with major logistical and procedural challenges for which the company was not quite ready. A preliminary review of Vitracoat's production processes showed that there has been a significant increase in the number of complaints due to delays, late delivery of orders and general customer dissatisfaction. In addition, in the last year 2020, a significant increase of product reprocesses has been evidenced, not complying with quality criteria generated with respect to the last comparable year, which is shown in the following Pareto diagram, where the percentages of non-compliance and the causes associated to them are shown.eng
dc.subject.subjectenglishQuality Management Systemspa
dc.subject.subjectenglishQuality Management Systemspa
dc.subject.subjectenglishQuality indicatorsspa
dc.subject.subjectenglishStrategic planningspa
dc.subject.lembControl de calidadspa
dc.subject.lembAseguramiento de la calidadspa
dc.subject.lembControl de procesosspa
dc.subject.lembConstrucción - Certificaciónspa
dc.audienceInterés Generalspa
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Accessspa
dc.rights.spaAcceso abiertospa
dc.rights.ccAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia*
dc.description.cityRionegro, Antioquiaspa
dc.contributor.corpauthorUniversidad Católica de Oriente. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativasspa
dc.type.localTesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía – Especializaciónspa
Appears in Collections:Administración de Empresas

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